Enrolled patients can book a Face to Face or Phone Consultations online for 15 minutes (standard) doctor’s appointments using MyIndici.
Same day virtual Clinician appointments to suit you and your whānau
With Practice Plus, you’re only a few clicks away from a same day virtual Clinician consultation that suits you. Practice Plus help tautoko (connect) you with trusted medical care quickly, as an extension to your regular medical centre team and Clinician.
Practice Plus is available weekdays until 10pm and weekends and public holidays 8am – 8pm.
How it works
Urgent after hours appointments
Go directly to the Urgent Care Centre on the Hospital Grounds, next to the Emergency Department, Hospital Road, Blenheim
Urgent same day appointments
If you are unwell today or it is urgent, please ring the surgery. We reserve a number of same day appointments for patients who become unwell on the day and we will arrange a call-back from a nurse to make a plan for you.
Please contact us by telephone on 03 578 0199 if you require an urgent same-day appointment.
Non-urgent and routine appointments
You can contact us by telephone on 03 578 0199 if you require a routine doctor or nurse appointment or a non-standard appointment such as a medical examination.
Please, if you need a routine appointment to re-new scripts, etc, plan ahead and make your appointment well in advance to enable us to meet your needs.
We are able to contact you by text if you usually carry and use a mobile phone. We need your consent to do this. If you do not want us to text you, please let reception know.
chaperone / support person
Patients are welcome to bring a chaperone/support person along with them to their consultation. A chaperone can be a family member, friend or a member of staff. If you want a member of staff to accompany you please let reception know when you arrive for your appointment.
Do you require an interpreter during your appointment? We are able to book a Face-to-Face or Phone Interpreter depending or you needs at the time. This service is available at no extra charge to you as our patient. Please talk to reception for more information.